Today is National Coming Out Day. I am sure most regular readers of my blog know that I am bisexual (though I prefer the label…
Coming Out
Posted in Life, and Sex & Relationships
Adventures of a Gonzo Journalist
Kit is a gonzo journalist from Austin, Texas.
Posted in Life, and Sex & Relationships
Today is National Coming Out Day. I am sure most regular readers of my blog know that I am bisexual (though I prefer the label…
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Mutant Vehicle, –noun, What do you do with that old hoopty when it’s time to move on? Maybe you trade it in or give it…
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Gift Economy, –noun, Because there is no commerce (actually, very limited commerce) at Burn events, a gift economy is encouraged instead. The use of money…
That Thing In The Desert, –noun, What is Burning Man? Some people call it the Nevada Regional Burn. Some people call it a big nosy…
Posted in Reviews, and Sex & Relationships
I review sex toys for You can find the Club Vibe and other vibrators on their site. Disclaimer: Although I don’t receive any money for…
Posted in A Burner Lexicon, and Burning Man
Decompression, –noun, If you’ve been underwater and you come up too fast, you can get the bends. If your re-entry to the default world is…