My poly family have all been job searching recently, and so I have looked at Craigslist along with them from time to time. I have…
Category: Life
In the Body
Posted in Life
I just got off the phone from a long conversation with mom. As I’ve written about here before, she recently had a severe cardiac event,…
I haven’t posted here in over a week. Life has been a little weird during that time — mostly not bad and all far from…
It’s no secret that M. Christian and I are friends. I’ve introduced one of his books and we’ve guest blogged for each other too. So even…
Operation GTFO
Posted in Life
My poly family is engaged in what we’re calling Operation GTFO, the goal of which is to get all of us living in Austin and in…
This blog has been quiet for a few reasons, but mostly because I am in the middle of moving. Some months ago I realized that…