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State of the Kit

Posted in Life, Media, and Other Writing

Art and Fire at Austin Art Nerds Salon #3: Fall.

The past month has been one of this blog’s most active, but I have not written about myself in a while. Overall I have been doing really well, though money is still much too tight for my tastes. In the last month I have had a lot of fun, however.

I went to Chicago for a long weekend to visit my mother and also a lover from Minneapolis who comes to see me when I visit that city. She and I have been seeing each other occasionally since we met at 4th Street Fantasy Convention a few years ago now. I love spending time in Chicago with her. We got to take in a fire play demo at Leather Rose and it was also her first opportunity to experience the public kink scene. I was gifted with some spending money so there was also some shopping during which amazingly fabulous boots were purchased.

I had a fantastic halloween with my pet, too. We went to a super kinky house party and had a great time with two friends of mine there. We also took in the premiere of AMC’s new Walking Dead TV series. Between this, Breaking Bad, and Mad Men, AMC is quickly becoming my favorite network for serial drama. The premiere stood up to the excellent comic book series it is based on quite well. I’m behind one episode now but looking forward to watching it this week, and I’ve heard the show has already been renewed for a 13 episode second season.

The Austin Art Nerds continues to be a great success, cultivating exciting art and great networking amongst artists. At the last salon I wrote over 1,000 words on a short story I am very excited about, not least because I am finally getting to use some of my obsession with Christian mythology while writing it. Our next salon should be especially fun as we’re encouraging people to bring tasty (vegetarian) food and wear their interpretation of “formal” attire.

Probably my best news from a writing perspective is that two of my stories are being held by editors for possible inclusion in upcoming anthologies. One of them is my “gay werecreature” story, “Becoming.” The other is my story of apocalypse and drugs, “Lifting the Veil.” Obviously neither one is in any way a sure thing, but whatever the outcome it is rewarding to have editors giving my work such serious consideration. I should hear about both sometime in December. My goal between now and then is to write as much as possible and get as much as I can out circulating, so that my entire ego as a writer doesn’t depend on these two decisions!

I’m supposed to go to the Texas Renaissance Faire this weekend with a bunch of friends. I’m really looking forward to it, but also fighting off impending illness; I’m congested, occasionally getting the chills, and for some reason my jaw aches. I’m doing my best to make sure it clears up soon, and since this past Sunday it does seem to slowly be getting better rather than worse.