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A new direction for my journalism

Posted in Archive, Journalism, MintPress News, and SXSW

For the last 8 months, I served as Associate Editor for Shadowproof, a successor site to the political blog, Firedoglake, where I first began my professional journalism career in 2012. I’ve also been writing and editing for MintPress News for the last year.

Recently, I realized I needed to reorganize my time so that I can focus on my freelance writing, and a number of personal projects that I’ve had to put on the back burner while working two jobs at once. Yesterday, after a lot of thought and conversations with my loved ones, I accepted a position working on MintPress News’ TV show, Behind the Headline, and resigned my position at Shadowproof.

I’m excited about the opportunity to learn about producing a TV show. I’ll be editing scripts, helping to schedule interviews, and doing other behind-the-scenes work, while continuing to write and tweet for MintPress too.

Sadly, when I gave notice of my new position, Shadowproof let me know that they would have to pass on our scheduled coverage of SXSW, leaving me with a press badge already issued but no assignments for the festival. That’s why I’m asking you to crowdfund my coverage of the event.

SXSW is known for the amazing diversity of talent it features, but also gets a bad rap for being corporate dominated and inaccessible to many people. It deserves a lot of that criticism, honestly. But, since I have access to essentially every part of it, I should take advantage of that and share it with all of you.

I want to give you my unique gonzo perspective on the event, and report on some of the weirdest, most interesting, or just unfairly overlooked panels, artists, and films. SXSW takes place this year from March 11-19. Here’s a small sample of what I’m looking forward to covering:

  • At interactive, panels like Surveillance, Sousveillance and Body Cams, which looks at how smartphones are tipping the balance of power in police encounters.
  • From music, I’m eager to cover queer punk rockers PWR BTTM and Schaffer the Darklord, whose 2015 album “Sex Rhymes” touches on topics like consent culture and pegging.
  • At the film festival, I’m skeptical but curious to attend the premiere of You Me Her, described as the first “polyromantic” comedy.

Writing is my full time job, and I can’t cover an event like SXSW for free, which is why I’m asking for my readers help with this Fundrazr campaign:

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Even small donations will add up quickly but, even if you can’t afford to give, you can help me out by sharing the campaign, and my writing, with your friends and social networks.

No matter where my byline appears, I’m going to keep writing and tweeting. As long as you keep reading and responding, it will be worth it.