The Occupy Austin Occuqueers attended a Stonewall Rally at the Texas State Capitol today. It was attended by about 75 people on a wiltingly hot…
Stonewall Was a Riot
Posted in Life
Adventures of a Gonzo Journalist
Posted in Life
The Occupy Austin Occuqueers attended a Stonewall Rally at the Texas State Capitol today. It was attended by about 75 people on a wiltingly hot…
As editor of MyFDL on Firedoglake, one of the pleasures of the job is finding a video to include in the daily Watercooler open threads. Incidentally, these threads have also…
Posted in Life
I just posted on Firedoglake about the next round in the Occupy Austin OccuQueers series of actions for LGBTQ Workplace Equality. I also talked about…
Posted in Life, and Other Writing
May Day took a lot of my energy, and that weekend my household followed it up with a birthday for my friend Gyesika, which was…
Posted in Life
May Day is tomorrow. May Day is an ancient holiday of spring, fertility, and the creative impulse. In the last century, it also became a…
Posted in Austin, Life, and Occupy Wall Street
Today at about 1:30pm I will go live from Austin’s #WeCantWait protest, which demands that President Obama live up to his campaign promises. In 2008…