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Zines For Surviving Under Rising Fascism

Posted in Journalism

It’s becoming very obvious that we face a dangerous fight against fascism in the U.S. (and elsewhere).

Even though I’ve been sounding the alarm for a while, I’m still alarmed at the speed with which things are progressing towards a full blown authoritarian state. The rate of escalating fascist political violence, leaves me feeling that we’re all less prepared than we should be.

This is just a brief post to say that what you are seeing happen in front of you is real. Don’t believe anybody who tries to tell you that you’re over-reacting.

I also wanted to share a few random zines and resources I’ve found recently which might be useful in fighting fascism, to those fighting against police brutality, and towards ongoing survival in this time of multiple emergencies.

This isn’t meant to be comprehensive, just a quick sharing of things you might find useful right now.

Fascism survival skills from indigenous anarchists

The Indigenous Anarchist Federation has valuable posts on “skills for revolutionary survival.”

One highlight is this guide to protective equipment for protests, uprisings and other times of unrest:

For people attending protests or other direct actions, there are some essential gear that you need to get now, and some secondary gear that can improve your chances when facing off against far-right terrorism.

Don’t miss the other guides in the series like “Trauma Medical Gear,” or the great tips they share regularly on their Twitter.

Lessons learned from surviving disasters

I linked to multiple zines created by Mutual Aid Disaster Relief in the Spring 2020 edition of the Virtual Gonzo Zine Library. One of their more recent creations is just as useful and, maybe, more inspiring. The Zine “Mutual Aid Disaster Relief: Lessons Learned” shares tips, ideas, and philosophy acquired through years of helping people survive, recover, and learn people-powered resiliency after disaster.

We know that we must be evermore strategic in our response as the number of crises on our horizon multiply. While learning, at a tactical level, how to respond with limited resources to disaster, we are also tasking ourselves with growing in our capacity to respond more justly and equitably so that we can create a new and better world out of this crumbling system’s ruins. It’s a tall order, and each community cannot afford to learn these same lessons the hard way …

Since we’re in an ongoing state of emergency, it’s important reading.

Learning new ways to fight fascism

Spencer Sunshine, an antifascist researcher and writer, cowrote “40 Ways to Fight Fascists: Street-Legal Tactics for Community Activists.” PopMob (Popular Mobilization) helped create this new edition based on a previous version by Sunshine.

These actions—the majority of which are available to people of all backgrounds, identities, and skill levels—will help to contain Far Right organizing, and prevent or mediate the damage it inflicts on our communities. They present a diversity of tactics intended to raise the cost of participation in Far Right politics.

This guide is available both as a printable zine and a 2-page handout that you can share at protests. As the title says, the tactics are effective but don’t break the law. Remember, most antifascism isn’t about punching nazis but undermining their ability to build power. Also my zine “Beyond the Concrete Milkshake” gets a shout-out at the end!

Creative Commons LicenseZines For Surviving Rising Fascism by Kit O’Connell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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